Thursday, July 16, 2009

What the mind can Conceive and Believe!

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Napoleon Hill did a video on The Law of

the Universe
taught to him by the "Great" Andrew


I thought I would take the

time to share the list

that he gives in the video so that you can

learn to practice these techniques!

Gifts from our creator...Universal



Riches you

may enjoy if you take possession

of your own mind and direct it to end of

your own choice!

1.) Sound health

2.) Peace

of mind

3.) Labor of Love of your own choice

4.) Freedom from

Fear and Worry

5.) A positive mental attitude

6.) Material riches

of your own choice and quantity

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Penalties you must pay if you don't

1.) Ill


2.) Fear and Worry

3.) Indecision and


4.) Frustration and Discouragement through out life


Poverty and Want

6.) And a whole flock of evils consisting of envy,

greed, jealousy, anger, hatred and superstition

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Write down on

page 1 your major desire in life in journal or notebook!

(The only limitations

are the ones you set up in your own mind!)

Then on page 2 of your

notebook....write down precisely

what you intend to "give". Where you stand

now begin giving!!

And always end your statements with Gratitude! For all


have been given!!


R Abundant

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Love &

Gratitude - Success :)