Do you have to have something to keep you
Then you haven't found your calm.
Yes, we all
need to be busy...creating...
stirring up energy....utilizing our talents!
But, we "must"...let me say that again....
"MUST" be able
to have time in our
lives where we have quiet time...calm moments
in which we can listen to our
inner spirit!
have been observing people for years
who work so hard that when
finally have a moment to sit down and relax....
they fall asleep!
It's common sense that
this is due to the exhaustion
that they have brought on
If you learn to find time everyday to find
"Calm Place"
(as I like to call it)
and just let your mind
release all thoughts and tension....
You will
find that when
you train the mind
to have "down time" you will not
find peace but you will find
more energy to deal with
the "whole" day!
Meditation is one of the Greatest Gifts you can give
your mind.
There are too many people
who don't "gift"
themselves this "quiet" time.
Try it!
"The mind moves
in the direction of
currently dominant thoughts."
— Earl Nightingale
Within a week you will find such a
difference in your life!!
Healing, wealth and love are all associated
with the power of the mind.
Just a few moments a day
change the amount of energy that will
benefit your
inner self and your true "Spirit"!
As my career of coaching people and
spreading the information about
The Law of Attraction
has grown,
I have discovered the most important
missing with most is the "Meditation" time.
you will see links within my posts
that are "signs"!
Products that will not only show you "How" to
but tools that will teach you how to
talk to your
The "subconscious" is always alert and
the "sponge" to all of our thoughts
Take control of that
by allowing the
subconscious to absorb
the positive and to speak to you!
Often we are feeling lost.....
"Feeling" lost is not
All we have to do is "get quiet" and
The soul and the subconscious
can lead you out
of that feeling!!
So....Do It Now!!
Get quiet...turn off
radios...turn off the T.V.
and push yourself away from
computer and "LISTEN".
answers to so many questions lie within you!!
All you have to do is
Have a Fabulous Day!!
Love & Gratitude -
Success :)
U R Abundant Because Abundance is All there Is
The Meditation Program
The NLP Secret