Thursday, April 1, 2010

Be Stronger than Yesterday!!

I forgive myself for having


for so long that...

I was never good enough


have, get, be what I wanted.

Ceanne DeRohan

Find out what your Dreams Mean!

"Be changed and the world around you

begins to


— Dr. Gerald Epstein

Determination gives you the resolve to

keep going

in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.



A good well-lived today makes every yesterday

a dream of a good

future, and every morning

is a vision of hope.

~ Sanskrit



All the past died yesterday;

the future is

born today.

~ Chinese Proverb

Just reading about Historical People and Events

I have a

"Spring" in my Step!!

My recent addiction is a

book called:

"The 5000 Year Leap"

by W. Cleon Skousen

U R Abundant Because Abundance is All there Is

Love & Light-



Think Right Now!!