Friday, September 24, 2010

Words to Live By

Today is a treasure given to me in the same quantity of seconds, minutes, and hours that are given to other men.

I am determined not to waste time in worrying about what might happen, but to invest my time in making things happen.

I will not think of what could be done if I were different. I'm not different. I will do with what I have.

I will not say, " If I can find the time"
because I will not find time for anything.
If I want time, I'll have to make it.

I will begin by doing
and not wasting the precious time I have.

I will seek to improve myself
because I will be needed and
I must not be found wanting.

Doing the necessary, avoiding the unnecessary, I will
live today fully -- as though it were my last day on earth.
Don't expect to find me waiting for tomorrow --
It never comes.

Billy Zeoli

With Love and Gratitude,

Success :)

Find Your Potential